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Trump Hotels Take Hit From Presidential Campaign

Hotel insiders suggest business down by 30 percent or more.

The 2016 presidential season could have repercussions on another industry that alone has little to do with politics. The Boston Globe reports business has slowed down at Trump Hotel properties due to the participation of Donald Trump in the general election.

Prior to going into politics, Trump was known for his real estate developments, including his hotels across the United States. However, since the political season began in 2015, many travel insiders claim business at the luxury properties have significantly decreased. Estimates on just how much business has been lost varies.

“I know from industry insiders that business is down at least 30 percent at their other properties,” Jack Ezon, president of Ovation Vacations, told the Boston Globe. “Our numbers with Trump are consistent with that projection.”

Outside of tours, direct bookings may be down as well. Accoring to statistics from Himpunk cited by the Boston Globe, bookings at Trump Hotels have decreased by 60 percent compared to this time last year, despite their perennial top ratings from both travelers and travel magazines.

Travel experts are tying the downturn in business to the emotional push of the presidential campaign. One working theory suggests because travelers associate the Trump Hotels with Trump the candidate, they are going out of their way to avoid them despite their opulence.

Speaking to a hotel industry conference, executives for Trump Hotels are denying the rumors that business is down. Instead, they claim their focus is on the customer experience and providing every traveler with an experience synonymous with the Trump brand name.

““We don’t ask what political party our employees or guests belong to,’’ said Mickael Damelincourt, managing director of the Trump International Washington, according to the Boston Globe. “What I do know is that our bookings are strong.”

[Photo: Destination 360]

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BarryPeters September 14, 2016

Will never part with my hard earned money to line the pockets of Trump and his American Psycho sons. Let him fill his hotels with his Trumpkins.

rgrokett September 13, 2016

Around here, most of the Trump supporters that showed up at the rally couldn't afford to stay there. (The new DC Trump International starts around $600/night)

sleuth September 13, 2016

@SFO777. Meanwhile, Trump can't seem to negotiate with 1,000 striking workers and has decided to take the easy way out and just close the property all together, resulting in 1,000 job losses. Now some of their demands may be unreasonable, but it says a lot about a "leader" who can't handle the fire. Trump seems to have a knack for not succeeding in Atlantic City. I wouldn't stay at one of his properties if someone paid me.

cynosura September 12, 2016

I refused to stay at any of his properties or purchase any of his Mexican made "pay day loan exec" clothing long before Orange Julius decided to run for president. Never cared for his big mouth, constant bragging and extreme narcissism, and still don't. Anyone who makes fun of the handicapped is beyond loathsome.

texmanufan September 11, 2016

Well, I wont get into politics but I spent last weekend in Panama and enjoyed a extremely reasonable priced by Panama City standards 5 course degustin menu with wine/cocktail pairings. Maybe some FT advantages t the race?