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Travel Ban Drives New Visa Regulations

Entrants to the U.S. from six nations face new requirements prior to arrival.

After parts of a White House-ordered travel ban were allowed to proceed, travelers to the United States from six predominantly-Muslim countries will face new challenges before receiving an entry visa. BBC News reports the new requirements will go into effect at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 29.

The new visa requirements will affect travelers who are entering America from Libya, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Under the reinstated ban under order of the Supreme Court of the United States, those entering from those six nations must hold a “close relationship” with someone currently in the country in order to receive a visa. The travel ban rules define “close relationship” as an immediate family member, including half-siblings, step-siblings and those related by marriage.

There will be some exceptions allowed during the 90-day prohibition. Those who are entering for business or educational purposes will be allowed, as will those who currently hold visas and dual citizens traveling under the passport of an unrestricted nation. Documentation will be required to prove the exception.

These regulations come from an executive order signed by President Donald Trump on January 27, 2017, which set the bans in motion. Several lower courts upheld challenges to the ban before the Supreme Court issued the temporary decision to reinstate portions of the ban.

The highest court is expected to decide on the legality of the travel ban in October 2017. However, by the time a decision is handed down, the travel ban may potentially pass: The current executive order is set to expire on September 26, 2017.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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Counsellor June 30, 2017

I don't know about that, but some people who were allowed in are now not being allowed in.

Grog June 30, 2017

In other words, not really safer (or less safe) than previously.