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You’ve Been Pronouncing “Marriott” The Wrong Way

Have we been mispronouncing ‘Marriott’ this entire time?

John Willard Marriott, founder of the multinational hotel conglomerate, started his business ventures by opening a root beer stand and later moved into the lodging business.

With 7,000 properties around the world, it is quite possible that the correct pronunciation of this global enterprise may have changed over time. Some of us have pronounced it as MarriOTT (guilty!) but turns out that’s incorrect.

A member of the Marriott team informed Travel + Leisure writer Patricia Doherty that when pronouncing Marriott, it should rhyme with “chariot.”

Well, now we know.


[Image Source: Facebook/Marriott Hotels]

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rstruthe April 29, 2019

While this is a pathetic article, at least for once it doesn't have horrendous mistakes, spelling and grammar errors, and misinformation!

Churnman April 28, 2019

People from all over the world have their own dialects, accents and pick up their vocabulary and pronunciation of their language from an early age and what one person thinks is wrong is just fine for another depending on these things and even their own vocalization, mouth structure and sound resonance. It's best to not mince words, so-to-speak. If a company calls themselves after the way the founding family pronounces their own name, that's just branding. Others with the same last name who may be in other parts of the world may pronounce their own name a little different. I'm sure the company is just glad when they get publicity one way or the other. There are multiple ways my name is pronounced and some languages can't pronounce it the way I do and that's just fine with me. Like other's said, slow news right now and deadlines/productivity/clicks to meet which is also understandable. Just because I pronounce it mar-ee-it like chair-ee-it I'm not going to be rude in a personal conversation with someone and correct them to my way. This little article is just an interesting factoid and it got us thinking. Nothing wrong with that. It served it's business purpose based on all the comments generated. Hitting a person's 'buttons' is the media way now-a-days.

everGLAdes April 26, 2019

I have never heard anyone say it wrong.

snic April 26, 2019

It also rhymes with "idiot."

RedLight2015 April 26, 2019

I love FlyerTalk, I am laughing at all the "I know pronounce it Hilton" comments,