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The World’s Most Expensive International Travel Is…

Panorama of Toronto skyline at sunset in Ontario, Canada. (Photo: iStock)

According to a survey, the most expensive international travel in the world is reportedly Canadian. The report, conducted by online travel agency Kiwi.com, found that Canadians “pay an average of US$94.66 per 100 km of international air travel on full-service airlines, compared to US$61.87 in Oman, the second-most expensive country.”

The agency reportedly looked at prices on over one million flights to collect price statistics on 75 countries.

For more information on this story, visit The Huffington Post.

[Photo: iStock]

[Infographic: The Huffington Post]

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Pmun September 9, 2016

Article is bunk. Anyone with half a brain can compare international flights out of american and canadian airports that are close to each other and find the pricing for various international destinations. Pull up google flights, skyscanner and compare routes flying out of Toronto/Chicago and Vancouver/Seattle. You will see that flying out of an American Airport is NOT 70% cheaper to the same destinations. Sometimes cheaper, someones more expensive. But not by 70%. Worthless article that probably cherry picked the worst and best routes and compared it.

weero September 9, 2016

CAD 0.944 per kilometer amounts to about 1.2 USD a seat mile ... that's about 20 times more what American would be willing to pay for air travel. The Huff in its good old, dependable accuracy ..... I guess they meant per 1000 km or 1000 miles but couldn't be bothered to add the zeros.