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The Passengers Who Did Their Laundry Mid-Flight

PassengerShaming recently showed a picture of what appears to be a passenger’s laundry strewn about the cabin of an aircraft, including underwear wrapped around the headrest of the seat.

To read more on this story, go to PassengerShaming.

[Photo: PassengerShaming/Facebook]

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kbelyeu December 19, 2017

Soap dodgers.

Matt4 December 1, 2017

I think it would be a great idea to install laundromats on airplanes so you could save time doing your laundry while traveling between 2 cities ;-p

drvannostren November 30, 2017

What in the blue hell? What kind of psycho does this, and how does no one say anything?

Duke787 November 30, 2017

This is nothing new. They've been serving Hibiki 21 in F for the past few years (at least 2014 when I first flew NH F). The only thing that has changed is the price of the Hibiki.