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Sydney to Open Second Airport

On Tuesday, the Australian government announced that the city of Sydney will be opening a second international airport – a project that the government believes will also create new jobs and economic stimulus as it serves an increasing number of annual flyers. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull went on to say that further concrete plans for the proposed Western Sydney Airport would be laid out by Treasurer Scott Morrison MP during next week’s budget discussions.

“It’s a vitally important project for western Sydney, for Sydney and the nation,” Turnbull said.

To read more on this story, go to DW.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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Sydneyberlin May 4, 2017

Oh dear- the government wants to build it? This plan in my new home town Sydney sounds all too familiar to what happened in my old home town, Berlin. Sydney West- the new Berlin Brandenburg? :-000

amanuensis May 3, 2017

There were plans for this at least as early as 1988. I was living in Sydney at the time.