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So, A Mule Wandered Into the Airport

So a mule wanders into an airport…That’s all, that was the punchline.

A mule wandered into Terminal 1 of Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel and it was living its best life. The 4- or 5-year-old, four-legged creature walked through the sliding glass doors and strolled through the departures area, large and in charge. Airport employees were kind enough to offer nourishment to the most adorable “intruder” before the officials with the Ministry of Agriculture retrieved the mule.

Honestly, the mule should be free to roam the terminal because it lightened the environment immediately.

“A woman can be heard giggling hysterically as the mule is guided through the airport by employees,” wrote Fox News.

“It is not known where the mule came from and how it got to the airport — or whether it was stubborn,” reported JTA. Whether or not it had an owner or an identification chip is yet to be determined.

The Ministry of Agriculture plans on putting the mule up for adoption.



[Featured Image: Shutterstock]

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MilesMaxamillion August 3, 2019

They didn't let him through security, as he's a suspected drug mule.

bon mot August 2, 2019

And a moose wandered into a hospital.... https://www.apnews.com/ac6bd1c4a7f5433ba3ed1a4b17dd90e1