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Sabre Claims Solution to Airline Glitches

On Monday, technology company Sabre claimed to have resolved a technical malfunction that negatively impacted the booking services of its airline partners, including JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, and Virgin America. Due to a malfunction in the pricing engine, flyers using these airlines were unable to either book new flights or modify existing ones, and a spokesperson for Sabre claimed that the issue had been fixed and that systems are in recovery mode.

Twitter accounts run by JetBlue, Southwest, and Virgin America have all confirmed that their booking system is back online.

To read more on this story, go to Fortune.

[Photo: Thinkstock]

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beyond October 18, 2016

The pricing module was out in SABRE for most of the day - and this qualifies as just a "hiccup"??! As usual, airlines/GDS operators have to furiously paper over the reality of their ancient systems and backup failures.