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Crew Forced Into Bins, Part of “Industry Ritual”

Female cabin crew members of Kunming Airlines are reportedly forced into overhead luggage bins as part of an “industry ritual.” Images depicting the “ritual” went viral after they were leaked photos via WeChat, a Chinese social media app. The images were accompanied by a status that said cabin crew were “forced into lockers by security staff upon completing 30 to 50 hours of service” as part of an “industry ritual.”

Kunming has since released a statement saying it is investigating the stunt and that it has never received complaints from cabin crew.

For more information on this story, visit BBC News.

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zyxlsy October 16, 2015

At least these ladies can still get into the bins, you know what I'm saying?

ioto1902 October 15, 2015

Every school, every industry has stupid rituals. It's part of the team building. As long as it is not humiliating, dangerous or illegal, nothing to put in newpapers.

Rhone October 15, 2015

If it's nothing worse than this, and if it were a one-time thing, this seems like a relatively innocent hazing ritual.