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Pastor Unloads on American Airlines; Apologizes

Perry Noble, pastor of megachurch NewSpring Church in Anderson, South Carolina, has apologized for his brutal display of anger and malice on social media following the mishandling of his luggage by American Airlines.

“I allowed my emotions to take over, and I allowed anger to be my motivation instead of focusing on trying to be more like Jesus — which resulted in me tearing down American Airlines as well as anyone who disagreed with me,” said Noble of the Twitter meltdown, in which he “UNLOADED” on American Airlines with blistering salvos such as “Would also like to say thx to @AmericanAir for sending my wife’s luggage to Washington D.C. instead of Anderson, SC! Totally makes sense” and “[…] with a multi million dollar airline comes the responsibility of getting people their luggage!”

No one was safe from Noble’s wrathful tweets. When one Twitter follower gently informed him that he was “losing it,” Noble snarled, “If I embarrass you then unfollow! Seriously! Your life will be so much better!”

The apologetic blog post, written Thursday night, mentions “the evil in [Noble’s] heart” as the root cause of the unhinged social media fracas, resulting in “some of the most un-Christlike things I had ever done,” including declaring his hate for the commercial airline company.

To read more on this story, go to Christian Post.

[Photo: Screengrab]

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ioto1902 March 2, 2016

It's always good that sermonizers experience real life by themselves.

KRSW March 1, 2016

Reason #323423 why you shouldn't use Twitter.