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Passenger Charges Obese Seatmate $150 to Stay on Flight

Airplane interior

A passenger’s online confession about charging an overweight seatmate $150 for allowing the hefty flyer to encroach across the armrest, has garnered mainstream media attention and divided social media into two camps, with some commenters painting the put-upon-air-traveler as a hero and a master negotiator, while others see only a villain who is no better than a common extortionist.

Like the infamous dress that is either gold or blue (depending on the eye of the beholder) or an oft-shared audio clip that is clearly a voice saying, “Yanny” or absolutely, 100 percent, saying “Laurel” (depending on who is listening), the tale of the airline passenger who reached an unusual ad hoc settlement with an obese seatmate has ignited a debate that might never be resolved. Whether or not someone strongly views the flyer who confessed to charging his overweight seat mate $150 for lost personal space, as a hero or a goat, is another case of undefinable perspective in the digital age.

According to Fox News’ Alexandra Deabler, who first reported on the controversial and anonymous social media confession, the purported incident has “split the internet.” She writes that the notoriously definitive Reddit “Am I the A——?” community was even somewhat torn in evaluating whether or not the original poster was, in fact, the A——.

“This is ridiculous,” one user commented. “You made a scene and embarrassed the man and then made him pay you for a fraction of your seat. You are the epitome of an a——”

Other Reddit users, of course, disagreed. Some pointing out that the man’s actions were more akin to seeking fair compensation rather than blackmail.

“You compromised,” another redditor countered. “He compromised. It was an awkward situation of nobody’s making. I think half the cost of the flight was maybe a bit steep though, if he was only in a third of your seat. Having said that, five hours is a long time.”

The unlikely tale reportedly came to a head just prior to a five-hour-long domestic flight on which every seat was filled. While there is no airline on the planet that would allow one passenger to charge another passenger the use of a portion of a seat, in this case, it appears there was a private arrangement in which the flyer agreed to withdraw his objection to his seatmate spilling over the armrest in exchange for the cash.

“I told the guy, ‘Look, I’ll put up with this if you give me $150 — that’s half the cost of this flight and that would compensate me enough for the circumstances,’” the enterprising passenger wrote in his account of the transaction.

Unlike a disembodied voice saying, “Yanny” or “Laurel” or a dress that might be white-and-gold or black-and-blue, in this situation, there is perhaps a third possible viewpoint that all sides could agree on. The idea that airline seats should be large enough for most human beings to sit in comfortably remains remarkably uncontroversial.

[Source: Shutterstock]

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Mtothe M March 12, 2019

@Gadot: Stink is stink. You want to fly in a confined space for hours? Take a shower and space everyone else your "culture" for a few hours.

gwynedd_gal March 8, 2019

Re the knees: legs aren't detachable unless you're an amputee. What's a tall person to do? I'm barely six feet but long in leg. When the seat in front reclines, you get my knees and I get that nasty bar which gives me an amazing amount of pain. As to fat people, I had a gigantic football-player sized German man slip onto me and sleep 8 hours to Frankfurt. I'm a woman; no chance to shift his bulk off me. The bottom line is cheap fares mean squeezing humans into inhumanly small spaces: no plane seat in coach is suited to anyone over six feet, really or anyone over 100 kilos. So who's fault is that?

LostAntipod March 8, 2019

Watch the new BA inflight safety video. Sir Michael Caine and “Chabuddy G” are sitting next to each other and there is no shoulder room. There’s your problem right there - seats are too narrow for many grown adults. That’s also why we get smacked by inflight trollies when sitting in the aisle seats.

blissing March 8, 2019

I wish I could just pay $50-$100 or so and get a wider seat for myself. I'm fat, but I used to date a man who weighed about 120 lbs. and he was uncomfortable in airplane seats, too. First class service is nice, but I just want the wider seat and I'll bring my own water, nuts, etc. The fact that we have to talk about millimeters is disgusting and humiliating. It's a big sky up there. IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS WAY!

iwanderafar March 8, 2019

I'm sick of people dumping on the fat people and not the tall men. I know several skinny men with enormous shoulders that don't fit in their seats. I've been in the middle seat between two of these behemoths and I could barely move my head because their shoulders were almost at my ears. Or what about the tall person whose knees keep poking me in the back, bumping my seat? Do I get to charge them for taking up my space? Tall men and anyone with wide shoulders should NOT be allowed to fly unless they buy larger premium seats. When are we going to realize the problem is the airlines expect normal people to fit into tiny seats with no room between the seats?