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Luxury Cruiser Sinks in the Amazon

Aqua Amazon, a luxury river cruiser, sunk in the Peruvian Amazon on Saturday following an explosion that capsized the vessel. The cruiser was in the process of being restocked and refueled in the port of Enapu, Iquitos at the time of the incident. Five crew members about the cruiser were reported missing, and eight are undergoing treatment in a hospital in hospital, with three members in intensive care. No non-crew passengers were aboard the craft, and the source of the fire and ensuing explosion has yet to be confirmed, according to a statement from Aqua Expeditions, the company that owns the sunk ship.

To read more on this story, go to The Telegraph.

[Photo: Aqua Expeditions]

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Bretteee July 21, 2016

Last week another one of their boats was attacked by pirates. And they charge a fortune.