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John Oliver: How Airlines Make Your Life Hell

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver shed a critical eye on corporate consolidation, and how it has ruined the airline industry.

One of the most glaring examples he points to comes from the airline industry, summed up in part by the David Dao scandal. Oliver even makes a fake slogan for United: “You wanna fu**in’ rollerblade to Houston? Shut up and get in.”

Watch the video on YouTube, here. The airline portion starts at 6:43:

[Image: Shutterstock]

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Sabai October 3, 2017

"Less competition is better for us" The guiding principle of Airlines Against Americans.

BC Shelby October 2, 2017

...don't expect matters in this front to get any better soon as the person Mr Trump named to be the DOJ's Assistant Attorney General, in charge of Antitrust Division, (who's nomination was approved by Congress) is none other than Makan Delrahim. Delrahim is a former merger lawyer who represented corporations in merger cases such as Mr Oliver's favourite, AT&T, Google, Qualicomm, and lobbyist for Anthem Healthcare which was invovled in a failed merger with Cigna. This has got to be the most glaring conflict of interest of any Trump administration officials. "Ameriflot: We're the only way to fly, period" It Can Happen Here.