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JFK Airport Bathrooms Are Filled With Shame

In this time of geopolitical tension, there is one thing upon which every traveler can agree: The public bathroom at Terminal 8 of John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) is super gross.

In the airport of one of the world’s great cities, over half of the auto-flush toilets remained unflushed and otherwise filthy in the bathrooms maintained by American Airlines. Various fluids form puddles on the floor, presenting a fun game of “the floor is lava” for bored passengers laid over at JFK.

JFK bathrooms montage

American Airlines spokesman Casey Norton blamed recent weather problems for the first instance of terrible toilets discovered on Jan. 10th. The terrible weather conditions led to “more customers using the facilities than what is anticipated under normal circumstances,” Norton said.

To read more on this story, go to the Huffington Post.
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weero January 24, 2016

I entirely agree with the previous statement. This is just brining the airport up to standards. It's about the unified experience.

diburning January 23, 2016

So one could say that the restroom maintenance was.... delayed by weather!

SarcasticMisanthrope January 22, 2016

All bathrooms in NYC and environs look like this. It's part of the "New York" experience.