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In Brief: Security Expert Claims He’s Hacked 20 Flights, Overwrote Code & Enabled “Climb” Command

A security expert who was banned from a United Airlines flight in April after tweeting about hacking the aircraft allegedly told FBI investigators he’d hacked into as many as 20 aircraft since 2011. Chris Roberts’ was detained by the FBI last month over the aforementioned tweet, in which he flippantly mentioned hacking a Boeing aircraft.

A search warrant filed in U.S. District Court details FBI interviews with Roberts in February and March in which he claimed to have hacked in-flight entertainment systems between 15 an 20 times over the past four years. According to the warrant, Roberts also stated he overwrote code on one of the flights, which then allowed him to direct the aircraft to “climb” upon command.

In his defense, Roberts maintains his actions were aimed at bringing such security vulnerabilities to light. Roberts’ has also criticized the FBI via Twitter since the interview details were published.

For more information on this story, visit CNN.

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paulwuk May 20, 2015

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly, reads, (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

relangford May 20, 2015

How does one become a "security expert"? "Look, Ma, I'm a security expert because I said so!" How does the IFE system interface with the flight control systems?

fedup flyer May 19, 2015

Since when is flying a "human right"?

neutralist May 19, 2015

unfortunately Amtrak does not get to Hawaii. No-fly list is a violation of human rights.

alphaod May 19, 2015

I see him on the a no-fly list soon.