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How George Clooney Deals With Crying Babies on a Plane

George Clooney and Amal Clooney made Page Six news yesterday when they passed out noise-canceling headphones to all of the first-class passengers on their flight to the UK.

The headphones were an ahead-of-time apology from the couple who were flying with their six-month-old twins.

“Even Quentin Tarantino, who was onboard, wore the headphones,” a spy said. But “the babies didn’t make a peep!”

For More on This Story, Head to Page Six.

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Dave510 December 14, 2017

George Clooney doesn't need to pull a DYKWIA. I think it'll be very difficult to find someone who actually doesn't know who he is. Most actually famous people would likely want people to not know who they are.

NeedstoFly December 14, 2017

The Clooney's aren't rich enough to fly private?

MaxVO December 14, 2017

According to TMZ, the headphones were specially branded and part of his marketing gig. It was not entirely a selfless gesture.

youreadyfreddie December 13, 2017

It was probably an assumption that it would work. A kind gesture nonetheless. Again and again, George Clooney INSISTS upon performing decent and thoughtful acts. If he keeps it up, he'll never get to say,"DYKWIA?"

kb9522 December 13, 2017

Except noise cancellation doesn't work for irregular sounds, like voices or crying. What genius told him this would work?