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Hotel Guests Prefer Netflix to In-Room Porn

Sorry, porn. Netflix officially has you beat for entertainment on-demand in hotel rooms around the world.

It’s official: Netflix and chill is more popular than porn. At least in hotel rooms across the world, that is. Enseo, an in-room entertainment company for hotel groups, recently compiled data on what travelers are watching on-demand in their rooms, and the data showed that porn is out and Netflix is in.

Number from the data Enseo collected showed that only one percent of travelers order up video on demand (VOD) in their hotel rooms. Of that one percent, though, 90 percent of the profits go toward adult entertainment. Enseo found that when the on-demand option is removed and replaced with Netflix, 40 percent of travelers order something.

According to Variety, Enseo’s CEO Vanessa Ogle said hotel operators may not want to hear it, but they need to get rid of VOD and completely replace it with Netflix. Ogle says that though VOD has historically brought in good profits, the investment is no longer worth it. Netflix could bring in bigger profits, with hotel guests spending an average of 90 minutes watching a program on the service, as opposed to only 14 minutes spent on news or sports.

Ogle told Variety that hotels may actually be losing money on VOD services because guests watch the movies late at night and dispute the charge at checkout the following day, which would often lead to refunds of room charges.

Enseo currently provides Netflix to more than 100,000 hotel rooms across the world.

[Photo: Shutterstock]


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TheLifeOfA_NKCM January 10, 2017


PDX Duck January 9, 2017

Have to agree with the comment of "dddc": hotels that want to provide a service to their customers, will allow their customers convenient ways to link their own devices to the TV screens, by Bluetooth, HDMI cable or other methods. I don't know how they would monetize this to make up for the lost revenue from VOD, but, for hotels that are looking for ways to please their customers, this is one way to do it.

dddc January 9, 2017

"Enseo’s CEO Vanessa Ogle said hotel operators may not want to hear it, but they need to get rid of VOD and completely replace it with Netflix". "Enseo currently provides Netflix to more than 100,000 hotel rooms across the world" Well of course they would say that! However it totally misses the fact that more and more people bring their own devices and movies. Why would I pay for a hotel's VOD or Netflix option when I can access my stuff on my tablet. What people will want is TVs they can cast their entertainment onto.