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Guests Shocked to Find Dead Body Under Hotel Bed

Guests staying at the Hotel El Senador in Mexico City were horrified to discover that they had been unknowingly sleeping in the same room as a dead body. After noticing an unpleasant smell coming from underneath the bed the guests decided to investigate. They lifted the mattress to find the remains of a woman wrapped in black plastic.

According to investigators, the body may have been in the hotel room for up to a week. The medics that arrived on the scene determined that the woman was between 25 and 30 years of age with a coroner confirming suffocation as the cause of death.

After reviewing the hotel’s CCTV footage the hotel staff was able to confirm that the woman arrived in the company of a man. Neither the identity of the woman or her male companion has been determined.

For more on this story visit AOL.

[Photo: CEN]

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payam81 November 14, 2016

Just another day in Mexico I suppose!

Doc Savage November 13, 2016

You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave!