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Flights to Cuba From U.S. Resume, Now With Jet Engines

For the first time in history, a scheduled passenger jet service from the United States to Cuba took off on Wednesday morning from Fort Lauderdale. The last time a U.S. airline flew a regularly scheduled flight to Cuba, passengers flew via propeller plane. The 9:45 a.m. JetBlue flight to Santa Clara was given a fanfare of live Cuban music, guava pastries and an assemblage of reporters and dignitaries.

“I got here at 5 a.m. and was the first to check in; everyone started to cheer!,” said Erik Díaz Oliva, a 41-year-old passenger.

“To the people who say these flights don’t help: Yes, it does help. It opens Cuba to the world.”

To read more on this story, go to The New York Times.

[Photo: Boarding Area]

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