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Few Suffer Minor Injuries After Roof Collapses at Hilton Hotel

In the latest incident to hit Singapore’s Orchard Road area, the collapse of a driveway ceiling at the Hilton leaves guests needing treatment for minor injuries.

The ceiling of the driveway at the Hilton Singapore collapsed late this weekend, causing shock and minor injuries to a handful of the property’s guests.

A luggage trolley and two cars were covered with debris from the incident, which was reported to the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) at approximately 2:55 p.m. local time on Sunday, December 14.

Thankfully, only four guests at the Orchard Road property needed treatment as a result of the collapse, which was initially noticed by a doorman at 2:50 p.m. Shortly after this, the aluminum and plasterboard roof which covers the hotel’s driveway – collapsed.

The hotel’s manager, Peter Webster, explained the incident to the Straits Times, saying, “The doorman heard some strange sounds coming from above. He asked guests to move away. Then slowly the ceiling came down.”

It has been reported by the paper that one child, a man and two women were taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, where they were treated for shock and minor injuries.

“They had scratches, but looked fine and were sent to the hospital as a precaution,” said Webster.

While the cause of the collapse remains unexplained, it is likely that the incident was brought on by recent heavy rain. Webster said that the damage appears to be worse than it actually is.

He added that, “All the hotel guests are absolutely fine. We have secured the perimeter and are making sure guests enter and leave by the second exit.”

While the hotel will cover any damages to guests’ vehicles, officials from the city-state’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) are currently inspecting the scene.

The BCA issued a statement last night, confirming that they were notified of the incident around 3:20 p.m. and that the hotel’s structure is sound.

However, the BCA has instructed the Hilton to undertake a thorough investigation of this incident. The authority has also ordered the property to repair the ceiling and to undertake the necessary “rectification measures”.

This is the latest in a host of incidents that have affected the Orchard Road area only this month.

[Photo: Mark Cheong] 

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