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Everyone Can Relax: Tomato Juice Is Back


So, last week, we reported that United Airlines had (along with several other deep cuts to its food and beverage offerings) nixed tomato juice from its menu only to discover just how much United Airlines passengers loved it.

Several United passengers threatened to boycott the airline (or at least United’s tomato juice substitution, Mrs. T’s Bloody Mary Mix) and complain to any crew member who would listen — “We are once again in full apology mode now onboard our flights,” one “source” told CNBC — until tomato juice was back on the menu where it belonged.

And… United listened.

Tomato juice (at least) is back on the menu. But the other beverage cuts are here to stay.

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RoaminRoman May 17, 2018

There was no tomato juice on my May 17 flight. I tried the Bloody Mary Mix, but it was bloody awful!

eng3 May 17, 2018

"#letscallthewholethingoff", how are they defining "whole"

mvoight May 16, 2018

The price of tomato juice over another drink calculated with the number of cans used per flight, is not going to have a dent in United's earnings

jrpallante May 16, 2018

United knows exactly how much tomato juice is consumed by passengers, so the blowback is perfectly predictable. If tomato juice costs more to provide, then I would understand if they choose to offer it as a premium beverage for an additional charge, but eliminating it altogether just seems silly.

am1108 May 15, 2018

But the meals under 4 hours are not back... IMO at least 3 hour flights should have a meal...