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Drexel Professor Tweets Displeasure With First Class Soldier

Educator noted on private account he was “trying not to vomit or yell about Mosul” after flyer gives seat to soldier.

A professor at Drexel University is finding himself in hot water after he made an uncomplimentary tweet about a solider that was offered a first-class seat on his flight by another passenger. CNN reports that the professor said he was “trying not to vomit or yell about Mosul” after witnessing the exchange between the flyers.

The professor was aboard an unidentified flight when he claims he witnessed a passenger in the first-class cabin offer his seat to a solider in uniform. After the soldier accepted the seat, the professor said that people were thanking the soldier and the flyer, while he kept his opinions to himself. Although the tweet was posted to a private and locked account, it was retweeted publicly by followers, which brought it to the further attention of the Twitter community.

Twitter users responded that the opinions of the professor were “what’s wrong with American institutions today,” while another expressed frustration that the individual would be “deemed worthy of educating young minds.” Another called the professor a “coward,” who was not “brave enough [to] put on a combat uniform.”

In his defense, CNN reports that the professor posted a response on Facebook, accusing his message of being “fed into and misrepresented by the outrage machine.” The professor claimed he was against the Bush-era invasion of Iraq and found the gesture of giving the first class seat to the solider “smug and self-congratulatory.”

Drexel University responded with a statement of their own, clarifying that the professor’s comments “were made outside the classroom, are his own opinion and do not represent the university’s views.” A spokesperson for the university further went on to say they “vigorously” supported ROTC students, as well as students and alumni on active or reserve duty.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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strickerj April 4, 2017

@mrow By the same token, I could say amazing how being a service member is conflated with supporting every decision made by the administration. Remember how returning Vietnam vets were treated? This guy was just being a pompous ass.

mrow April 4, 2017

Amazing how criticising a military action has been conflated with being an enemy of America. Pretty much says it all. Americans - take a look at what the world thinks and says about you. It's far more concerning than what this Drexel Prof said!

fairhsa April 3, 2017

So he made a comment in a private arena which was then repeated outside of that arena. Is there no privacy today? How many of us have moaned about politically incorrect stuff to a friend over a drink? Would we then expect that to be copied and circulated around the globe? Social media and electronic communication has made it all but impossible to say anything privately. People are human and they have views on stuff. Who knew? Why do we all get so worked up about it?

Spanish April 2, 2017

Very generous for passenger to giving up the first class seat! Soldier putting life on the line to protect professor's cushy position, and he having issue with that? What a jerk!

SandmanDFW April 2, 2017

What in the heck business of it was to the nosy professor anyways? Jeez, the idiocy of political correctness in every iota of life these days is beyond irritating--it's downright stifling to life.