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Delta Reportedly Showing ‘Carol’ Without Kissing Scenes

Delta Air Lines is reportedly showing an edited version of the 2015 Academy-Award-nominated film Carol, starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, that excludes every kissing scene from the two actresses. After one flyer complained, the carrier issued an apology and claims they are not responsible for editing the movie.

“There were two versions of this film that the studio makes available–one that is edited and one that is not edited. The edited version removes two explicit scenes that do not meet our guidelines. The edited version also removes all kissing. The other version is fully non-edited and includes the kissing, but it also includes the explicit scenes.  Unfortunately, Delta doesn’t have the rights to edit the movie, or to make the decision to keep some of that content (e.g. kissing),” said Liz Savadelis, Delta’s corporate communications representative.

For more information on this story, visit IndieWire.

[Photo: Twitter/@CarolMovie]

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peinstein August 9, 2016

"Reportedly"? The movie was borderline incoherent due to the heavy-handed editing. I was trapped on a long ATL-PDX flight and this well-acted film was among the few that Delta was not charging for. Too bad they butchered it. I will have to watch the unedited version. Thanks Delta for protecting my vulnerable sensitivity.

Sydneyberlin August 9, 2016

Clear case of homophobia- strangely straight couples can smooch all they want on screen and this sort of thing never happens. With same sex couples of course it's the infamous case of 'They can do what they want as long as no one has to see it'. Pah, seen it far too often!

aristotled August 7, 2016

Glad to see they are showing this version.

Orion August 7, 2016

I would like more displays of affection and fewer car chases and violence.

BigFlyer August 6, 2016

What's the issue here. Everyone has individual screens now, why not just show the unedited version?