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Dad Drags His Daughter Through the Airport

Traveling with kids, I think we can all agree, can be pretty difficult. But we can’t help but wonder exactly what manner of meltdown led to this particular viral parenting moment.

We’re also curious about how often Being Dragged By Her Parka has to have found herself in a similar situation for her sister to be following along at this rather impressive level of unfazed.

Dad level 9000 from r/gifs

Please let us know if you can A) name this airport, B) know whether she would be classified as a carry-on or a personal item C) have spotted other inventive airport parenting techniques that you can share in the comments’ section.


Source: Reddit

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Mike in Pike January 20, 2019

My father once took rope for me and my 3 siblings on an automobile trip from Maryland to Florida. It was highly effective. Everyone behaved.

eng3 January 10, 2019

I hope he picked up the right kid? some kids may look alike

khlay January 9, 2019

It's not fair. One girl is having fun and the other need to carry two backpacks and a carry-on.

RedElmo January 9, 2019

Haha one way to make headlines. I drag my kid across things all the time. He doesn’t care.

darthbimmer January 9, 2019

A word of caution for anyone tempted to scream "Child abuse!": It's entirely possible the child is a willing participant in this stunt and is enjoying it. When my kid sisters were young they did things like this a few times, asking my parents to drag them across the floor for laughs. The lack of struggle in the scene is a clue.