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China Airlines Pilot Caught Napping on Camera

Footage has emerged of a senior pilot with Taiwan’s China Airlines napping during the course of a flight. Captured in the cockpit by the co-pilot, the age of the clip isn’t known but its release comes just days after pilots with the carrier halted a staged strike over conditions like pilot fatigue.

Video footage has emerged of a senior China Airlines pilot napping in the cockpit of one of the carrier’s 747 craft during the course of a flight, the Daily Mail reports. The footage of the pilot, identified as Weng Jiaqi, was taken by his unnamed co-pilot.

The video of Weng, who has almost two decades of flying experience, has emerged just a few days after pilots with the Taiwanese national carrier stopped a week-long strike over concerns such as working hours and fatigue.

It is not known when the footage was filmed, but the pilot has been accused of ignoring safety procedures and has reportedly been disciplined as a result of the incident.

In an official statement, China Airlines told the outlet, “In this instance, the pilot himself voluntarily reported his inappropriate behavior in the cockpit to China Airlines. The co-pilot has also been reprimanded according to regulations. Flight safety is of paramount importance to China Airlines.”

Offering their insight into the incident, an unidentified pilot serving with the carrier spoke to Taiwan’s EBC News, saying, “Fatigue is inevitable. But as a senior officer, the pilot should have set a good example for his subordinates. If the pilot was really too tired, he should have alerted crew members and have them observe his condition.”

According to the Daily Mail, “Guidelines state that pilots can sleep in the cockpit on longer flights in what is known as ‘controlled rest’, but typically the procedure would be done with the seat pulled back and the pilot nowhere near the controls.”

[Source: Shutterstock]

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saxman66 March 1, 2019

Let him nap. Then he can be awake for the landing.

pabrocb March 1, 2019

Pilots NEVER nap. If the first officer is watching, it's probably better for everyone that the pilot gets a little rest. My nephew is a pilot and said the hardest part of his job is the crossword puzzle.

eng3 February 25, 2019

Thew crew should always be observing his condition and not wait to be told. Their first reaction should be to wake him up, not take a video. During that moment, there is apparently no one flying the plane.

Icecat February 24, 2019

The picture of the China Airlines jet...how many years ago that the MD-11 was withdrawn for their fleet.