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Comic Doesn’t Regret TSA Profiling Comment

Comedienne Chelsea Handler is not backing down from the comments she made concerning the Transportation Administration Security’s (TSA) profiling of Muslims in her new Netflix documentary series. The show, titled Chelsea Does…, sees the former late-night talk show host delving into four topics, one of which is racism. In the segment, Handler states that she supports the TSA’s profiling of Muslims at airport security checkpoints.

“This is not going to be a popular thing to say, but honestly, if Muslims are primarily the people that are blowing up planes, then I would like [the TSA] to be searching Muslims before I get on a plane,” she said on the show.

When questioned by media outlets on the subject, Handler stood by her “honest” opinion. “Yeah, I have these feelings. They’re not necessarily right or wrong, but I have them, so I want to talk about them and say them out loud.”

For more information on this story, visit Business Insider.

[Photo: AP]

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puddinhead February 4, 2016

Give them credit for finding your 4 oz. shampoo bottle.

KRSW February 2, 2016

Sure would beat their current modus operandi -- targeting elderly in walkers & children under 5. Sick perverts.