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Britons Could Face $6,865 Fine for Taking a Vacation Before June 2021

British flyers are now being asked to have a “reasonable excuse” for leaving the United Kingdom, or face a heavy fine. If a new law passes through parliament, international flyers will have to pay $6,865 in penalties unless their travel is for one of 14 allowable reasons.

A new law set to pass through the British Parliament could severely limit the reasons why flyers can leave the country. Sky News reports a new set of COVID-19 related laws would set down a $6,864.92 (£5,000 GBP) penalty for flyers who decide to take a vacation.

Allowed Rules Include Studying Abroad, Legal Proceedings, or Attending a Wedding

Under the proposed Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps) (England) Regulations 2021 bill, travelers would be severely limited on their reasons why they can elect to leave the United Kingdom. The law is set to go before the legislative body on Thursday, March 25, 2021, and could go into effect as soon as four days later.

The law outlines 14 acceptable reasons why Britons would be allowed to leave the nation without paying a fine. The excuses include (but are not limited to):

  • Work or charitable volunteer operations, if it’s unreasonable to do them in the U.K.
  • Studying abroad at an international college or university
  • Participating in legal proceedings abroad
  • “Elite sportpersons” or coaches traveling for training or competition
  • Purchasing or selling real estate
  • Attending a wedding outside of the United Kingdom

Temporary visitors to the nation and children who are traveling to their caretakers are also exempt under the travel rule. For all others, leaving on a simple vacation could cost over $6,800 in fines.

Even if the law is passed, it may only be a temporary measure. British lawmakers say the earliest date they are reconsidering opening international travel would be May 17, 2021, assuming the island nation meets certain goals. If travel is not re-opened by then, these new restrictions would expire by the end of June.

“The questions of whether people will be able to travel abroad this summer are going to be addressed by the Global Travel Taskforce, which is reporting around April 12,” U.K. health secretary Matt Hancock told Sky News. “The roadmap sets out the earliest date by which we will allow for international travel.”

International Stakeholders Grow Impatient for Reopened Travel

Britain’s possible restrictions come as American stakeholders grow frustrated that international borders aren’t opening fast enough. In a letter to the White House, over 20 travel-related organizations asked for leadership to partner with them to create a roadmap to reopening by May 1, 2021.  

FEasy April 8, 2021

I haven't left my (tiny) country in over a year. I've been super productive doing work remotely with all corners of the world, at any time of night/day. No jet lag, no travel time. My own bed, my own fridge right by my side. It's bliss. I did miss the luxury of busines travel initially, but frankly it's an easy habit to shake and it was never all that exclusive anyways. I'd still fly business on private long haul trips, should I get back into leasure travel.

Pi7473000 March 27, 2021

Crazy wealthy sports players can travel how they want. This is a pandemic and should not get special privileges. They spread it it just like a common person.

jjmoore March 26, 2021

This type of government control is typical fascist / communist behavior. The CCP virus is playing right into the hands of those perpetrating a globalist communist takeover where the billionaires and trillionaires run the world in a highly controlled, censored fashion. This is just the beginning. Unfortunately, people are too stupid to realize what is happening. Media is censoring anything eluding to the true facts. It is a repeat of history, except on a global scale this time... not just.... Russia.... or Venezuela.

PaulMSN March 26, 2021

The idea that governments worldwide are making these rules for "control and compliance" has to be one of the most illogical conspiracy theories ever.

mixmastermark March 26, 2021

Yikes, I feel bad for those in the UK. If people go along with this it sets a dangerous precedent. Their government is effectively treating them as prisoners (unless they are rich). If you're a wealthy Brit you can flout the rules if you wish and pay the fine, if enforced. Not to mention that this is in direct violation of Article 13 of the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights "Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.”