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American Airlines Union Asks Flyers for Patience in Targeted Ad Campaign

A set of digital advertisements running in four states paid for by the Communications Workers of America are asking flyers to keep calm during the holiday season.
The year 2021 may be best remembered for the number of unruly flyers in the skies. According to the latest data from the Federal Aviation Administration, the agency has received over 5,300 reports of poorly behaved passengers on aircraft.


With the busiest travel season ahead, one union is asking passengers to exercise patience as they try to get home for the holidays. The Dallas Morning News reports the Communications Workers of America will run a set of digital advertisements asking for flyers to be kind to airline workers throughout December 2021.


Digital Ads to Run at Airports in Four Central U.S. States

The union produced the ads and will pay for their distribution on digital mediums, including Facebook and Instagram. Although the CWA represents over 20,000 American Airlines employees, the advertisements were not coordinated with the carrier.


Flyers at the busiest airports in four states – Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas – may see the ads while scrolling through their timelines. In one of the videos, workers say they are often the target of angry passengers for everything from long wait times over the phone to enforcing face covering rules at airports.



In another video, a group of actors offer thanks to unionized gate agents and baggage handlers for their work. While acknowledging that some passengers can be “rude and inconsiderate,” the message of thanks reinforces the roles employees play in keeping flights moving safely and on time.



“A lot of the agents are sharing with me the hostility that the passengers have for them for having to hold so long,” CWA spokesperson Deborah Johnson told KRLD-AM radio. “I’m someone’s wife, I’m someone’s mother, I’m someone’s daughter, I’m someone’s sister, I’m a human being. And all I wish is that you treat me with respect.”


Although the ad won’t solve all the problems, the union hopes that it will give passengers a moment of pause as they navigate holiday travel at the end of the year – and ultimately reduce passenger rage incidents.


Union Advertisements Latest to Run to Curb Air Rage Incidents

The ads are not the first of their kind to run in hopes of calming passenger anger in the skies. Throughout 2021, the FAA has utilized everything from memes to public service announcements in order to dissuade flyers from behaving badly at the airport and on flights.

DeltaFlyer123 December 2, 2021

I know this will never happen, but banning liquor at airports and onboard airplanes will eliminate the majority of these incidents. 

DFW_Airwolf December 1, 2021

What about they do something about their Surly FA's and Inept GA's etc. We want & should have KNOWLEDGIBLE people helping us in the airport instead of the "Not my Yob" attitude they seem to have. And for years we have suffered under Angry FA's that just want to Socialize in the Galley and do the bare minimum required.