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Airlines for Europe Opposed to Norwegian Passenger Tax

Airlines for Europe (A4E), a European lobby group, said they are “astonished” by the Norwegian government’s plan that would allow a $9.65 tax called the NOK80 to be applied to departing domestic and international passengers this summer. The group claims the tax “will harm Norway’s airline sector and the wider economy,” ATW reports.

“According to International Air Transport Association (IATA) analysis, the tax risks reducing the overall demand for air transport by 5%, which equals roughly 1.2 million passengers per year,” A4E said.

For more information on this story, visit ATW.

[Photo: a4e.eu]

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irishguy28 May 30, 2016

Please consider how the article is displayed when choosing a headline. The item on the main page linking to this story reads as follows (see screen grab): "Airlines for Europe Opposed to Norwegian". [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/30bzddx.jpg[/IMG]