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AA Memo Reveals Gogo, ViaSat Wi-Fi Plans

American Airlines, which previously announced its plans to add Gogo 2Ku internet aboard 140 of its aircraft, confirmed in an internal memo that it would be purchasing satellite internet capability for flights from ViaSat. In autumn of 2018, some Boeing 737-800s in American Airlines’ fleet will come equipped with ViaSat, as well as some of the airline’s new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft.

[Photo: Shutterstock]

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oopsz January 24, 2018

Hmph. Using multiple vendors is going to confuse and infuriate frequent flyers. Gogo may have been slow, but it was easy to stomach the all-you-can-eat monthly subscription. Now I'm going to need multiple paid subscriptions based on what plane I happen to fly, which is both annoying and expensive.