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Why Do Women Like to Get to the Airport Earlier Than Men?

It turns out that women actually prefer to arrive at the airport much earlier than men do. The findings come from a survey that was just conducted by GO Group, LLC. The ground transportation provider discovered that 47% of women like to arrive at the airport at least two hours before a flight is scheduled to depart when it comes to domestic flights and only 39% of men feel the same way.

It turns out that 47% of men and 42% of women feel that arriving 90 minutes before departure time is ideal.

What about travelers who like to live on the edge when it comes to arriving in time to catch a flight?

The survey found that 14% of men feel that arriving one hour before a departure time is just fine and dandy. However, only 10% of women agree with that perspective. Nobody who participated in the survey likes to cut things too close. All 230 men and women who participated agreed that arriving 30 minutes before a flight’s departure was simply too late.

How do men and women feel when it comes to international flights?

The survey found that 44% of women and 39% of men prefer to arrive three hours or more before a flight is scheduled to depart. The survey also found that 50% of men feel that two hours is enough time. It turns out that 52% of women agree. How about arriving with just 90 minutes to spare before an international flight is schedule to leave? The survey found that 8% of men thought that was fine. However, just 2% of all women surveyed felt comfortable with such a narrow window. Only 2% of all people polled in total felt that arriving with just one hour to spare before a flight’s departure would be okay. Some respondents did note that their actual preference for when to arrive would depend on factors like the location of the airport they’d be using and the time of day they’d be departing.

It’s not surprising that the majority of people surveyed felt that giving as large a buffer as possible between the time they arrive at the airport and the time a flight is scheduled to depart is the right way to go. However, we’ve all seen the people who cut things way too close and try to impatiently rush through the arrival process. Conditions like traffic, bad weather, baggage issues and long security lines can put us in a risky situation as far as catching a flight even if we leave the house with what feels like all the time in the world to spare.

How early do you leave the house for a flight? Let us know below. 

[Image Source: Shutterstock]

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Gizzabreak May 25, 2019

In an earlier less PC world it would have been noted that women are directionally challenged and require more time to work out where they should be in the airport and how to get there. These days things have reversed completely and men are directionally enhanced and need less time to work out where they should be in the airport and how to get there.

jrpallante May 25, 2019

First of all, Duh! Second, Did anybody think of correlating the results to each sex's propensity to check bags?

drphun May 23, 2019

I don't know. At my house, we both want to get there about the same time, but reference time differently. For me, the time I leave for the airport is when I am in the car actually moving. My wife plans to leave earlier than me, but to her the time she leaves is when she starts putting her coat on, loading the car, etc, so she actually leaves about 15 minutes later than she says by my definition.

Irpworks May 21, 2019

Lies! It can't be true as we've all been told there are no differences between men and women.

glob99 May 20, 2019

I don't think the difference is statistically significant.