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1 in 3 Hotel Theft Victims Were Sleeping, Bathing or Lounging in the Room When the Theft Occurred

Travelers may not always be alone during hotel stays — thieves can steal items even with guests inside their rooms.

U.K. travelers are being warned to keep valuable items in the hotel room safe or out of sight. Recent research has shown that one in ten tourists have been victims of hotel room thefts — and a third of those were somewhere in the room when the items were stolen. Thieves no longer sneak in to empty hotel rooms; they now enter when the guest is sleeping, in the bathroom, or even just lounging on the balcony.

The research was compiled by The EasyLock, a company that sells temporary door locks, and showed some statistics highlighting the idea that British travelers aren’t protecting themselves enough during trips abroad. Aside from the hotel theft rate, the study found a number of other interesting statistics:

  • 45 percent don’t use the in-room safe.
  • 42 percent leave valuable items out in the open.
  • The average UK traveler’s suitcase contents are worth nearly $5,000.
  • Three of ten travelers don’t purchase travel insurance.
  • 50 percent didn’t know a hotel room lock can be picked by a burglar, even if locked from inside the room.

“As a nation, we are attached to our valuable items, even when it comes to taking a holiday, particularly electronic items such as laptops, iPads and mobile phones,” Bob Fitzjohn, The EasyLock’s inventor, said in a press release detailing the research. “When you’re relaxed and having fun it’s easy to let your guard down when it comes to security, especially when in the apparent safety of our hotel rooms.”

[Photo: iStock]

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paulwuk July 26, 2015

Obvious press release is obvious (full marks for pointing out, less so for giving out free advertising) Most hotels I've stayed in in the UK (which is pretty rare) have some form of door chain.

sdsearch July 21, 2015

Do UK hotels have those swiverl bars that keep the door from opening more than a little bit that many US hotels do? Those can't be "picked", and they keep the door from opening more than a little bit. If they don't, isn't it as much the UK hotels' fault as the guests'? When I'm in a hotel that has those swivel bars, I feel more protected by them than by the lock itself, but in Europe I often don't find those swivel bars on hotel rooms the way I do in the US. (I can't remember specifically about the UK though, since it's been several years since I was last in the UK.)

Asiaflyguy July 21, 2015

Not sure how much weight I would put on a survey done by a lock company that is in business to sell locks/safe's to hotels...