Apps for checking existing flights

Does anyone have any recommendations for free apps that check existing flights? I have a Motorola Droid X, version 2.3.4
Are you talking about keeping track of your existing reservations? I like kayak and tripit for that.... slight edge goes to kayak because they don't have ads.
Quote: Are you talking about keeping track of your existing reservations? I like kayak and tripit for that.... slight edge goes to kayak because they don't have ads.
+1 kayak. I also input my train connections and hotel info for easy access. And flight tracker gives up-to-date info on flight connections as well.
I like tripit plus flight update pro (which imports from tripit).
Kayak is brilliant, plus free
Not sure what you are looking for but I use Timetable by Watt. This gives me all flights between 2 locations on all airlines. It is formatted like the old paper guides (OGG I think which I am familiar with) this way if I get done early I just bring up the app and see if there is a earlier flight I can get on. Just faster than going onto a web site. As far as I know only available for Android.
On Android, the combination of FlightTrack Pro and TripIt Pro works best for me. They are synched together and provide all needed information. Free versions are also available, not sure about difference in functionality.