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Old Jan 11, 2004, 2:12 pm
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Out West, USA
Posts: 30
Well, it seems that very little may have been too much. I have received some private emails and a couple of things took place at work late last week which have made it necessary to decide to back off at least on the public end of this little experiment. Such is life. I will still be around and my email is here if I can help you privately. And I will continue to post on questions which come up that can be answered with information already made available to the public. (For that matter, I have some personal travel of my own upcoming and may have some questions for you good people!)

For the moment, I believe my identity is still anonymous within the workplace. I need to back off while it remains that way. I think it important enough to clarify two things: 1) The decision to back off here, is mine, it is not something I am being explicitly forced to do, and I am not "in trouble". So I hope to avoid a backlash against Marriott based on my own personl decision. and 2) I believe Marriott will still end up with an official lurker, based on what I've heard.

I want to thank you all for your warm and welcoming reception. I'm very glad I've been able to help a few of you already, and as mentioned, I am still here to do so privately.

Socrates: I admire you greatly for what you've been able to accomplish here. I hope you're able to continue for a long time to come.

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