YYZ - Sneaks on a plane

This forum has been very vocal about security theatre ... looks like someone tested that in YYZ yesterday - hid himself in a parked plane.


“We had a situation where this man, who had no reason to be in the airport, somehow got past security. It absolutely was a secure area and he somehow got to the other side,”
Can you say ... secure isn't as secure as you'd like the public to believe!
I bet someone forgot to ask him to say his name out loud. Or maybe if YYZ had fancy $100k electronic-ID checking machines, they could have caught him.

Oh, wait....
So this is a non-issue. No damage was done to the plane, no bombs were found, no harm was done to our airline system.

Perhaps the man should strike a bargain... drop all charges and seal the arrest record, or he reveals to the world via Internet just exactly how he was able to get where he got.
Quote: Perhaps the man should strike a bargain... drop all charges and seal the arrest record, or he reveals to the world via Internet just exactly how he was able to get where he got.
Maybe just climbed the fence ("remote area"). At least they got the dogs to check, wonder how many US airports do that ?