Please Read: Important Information

Welcome to Travel Safety/Security’s Checkpoints and Borders Policy Debate forum. While this forum permits discussion and civil debate of travel security policy, the FlyerTalk Guidelines & Rules still apply. The moderators will enforce a zero-tolerance policy against personal attacks – against a fellow FTer, TS/S posters in general, or TSA and CBP employees as a group. While we don't wish to turn away reflective criticism, we do ask that participants refrain from posting behaviors that only serve to inflame or disrupt the forum. Derisive terms used to grossly generalize others such as A. S. S., smurf, goon, thug, Gestapo, Nazi, perv, perp, kettles, gropers, mouth-breathers and the like add no value to the forum and are not permitted.

Moderators may delete posts and move or close threads without notice. This notice may be considered your “warning”.

Appropriate topics include:
TSA, DHS, CBP, FAA, CATSA news (employee, organizational, political, procedural)
Criminal matters, Constitutional challenges
youtube videos
Activism and protest discussions
Generalized venting aka “Outrage of the Day”
Comparisons of countries' security procedures
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Complete List of Airports with Whole Body Imaging / Advanced Imaging Technology Scanners

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