FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Master Thread: UNITE Ballot result is YES to strike action - general discussion
Old Mar 11, 2010, 4:24 am
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Which will be the next group of staff he moves onto?
It will interesting how these "helpers" react when he asks them to take cuts in whichever manner it may be in the future!!
Still in fantasy land Redsox?

Whilst BASSA were screaming no no no this time last year. BA told all unions what the business plan savings were to be. They also allowed all the unions to come up with proposals that achieved those savings themselves, so they could be made with as little pain as possible. Thats not sidelining the unions its positively involving them.

Some unions took that chance, some didnt. I think its now clear which way was the right way.
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