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TSA: Don’t Take These Obnoxious Items on a Plane

According to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) spokesperson Sari Koshetz, waiting times for passenger screenings at Miami International Airport (MIA) are down to five minutes in regular lines and three minutes in TSA Precheck lines. Thanks to growing enrollment of the Precheck program, those numbers are much better than those in 2016. However, passengers still forget standard rules regarding what you can and can’t bring through security.

“We collect more than 5,000 pounds of hazardous materials per month in Miami,” Koshetz said. “Last year, we stopped 42 guns in Miami, 56 in Fort Lauderdale and 369 in Florida. That’s a gun per day.”

During a news conference Tuesday at MIA, Koshetz prepared a demonstration on how travelers can prepare to get through screenings faster, showing several unconventional items that will undoubtedly raise questions with security and cause delays.

For more information on this story, visit the Miami Herald.

[Feature Photo: Shutterstock]

[Article Photos: AP]

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