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Screaming Passengers Trapped Aboard Sweltering Egypt-Bound Flight

Video footage captured by a passenger aboard an Egypt-bound flight showed fellow flyers screaming and sweating due to poor ventilation as the aircraft was delayed for over two hours, with other passengers claiming that several people collapsed from the high temperatures.

“The situation continued from midnight until 3am resulting in fainting of children and women, including serious health ailments due to heat and high humidity inside the plane and lack of oxygen,” said a representative for The Union of Egyptians Abroad.

The pilot reportedly relented and opened the door for ventilation after one passenger threatened to call their embassy.

To read more on this story, go to 9NEWS.

[Photo: 9NEWS]

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jtn July 18, 2017

You could see at the upper left corner of the screen shot that it was Cairo Air. And it was in Kuwait. All that aside, all of this should have been mentioned in the article body.

TonyBurr July 13, 2017

What kind of reporting is this that they do not even say what airline was involved? Very, very poor journalism.

ijgordon July 13, 2017

Or what airline it was on. Seriously???

sdsearch July 13, 2017

The heat was at the origin, not the destination. So why only mention that it was Egypt-bound but not mention that it was originating in Kuwait?